Yay for Yehliu

Our afternoon consisted of an Uber, a borrowed car from a friend, poke, 7-11 fizzy drinks and snacks, Google maps, many Google searches, and several phone calls to Yehliu's popular restaurants... And to make a long story short, we ended up not being able to get into the Yehliu Geopark, the original photoshoot location.

But God had an even more beautiful view prepared for us~

The photos below show that it was yet another day confirming that our own plans are never better than what the Lord has planned for us.

Congratulations, A + K <3

Special thanks to Amelia Boomer for the assistance that day!

fiancee in purple floral dress sitting on ledge looking down at fiancee with green mountains and ocean in the background
fiancee in purple floral dress sitting on ledge fixing fiancee's hair with green mountains and ocean in the background
girl in purple floral dress sitting on fence edge while holding hands with man in green suit
guy twirling fiance with blue sky and white clouds in the background
guy in muted green suit and white shoes twirling fiancee in purple and blue floral dress with hair blowing in the wind
man in green suit and wife with cape dress holding hands against the blue sky and cloud backdrop
guy in green suit holds hands with girl in vintage purple dress showing off her engagement ring
man in green suit and wife in purple dress hold hands while walking down the pier with green mountains in the background
blurry photo of purple floral dress and wedding engagement ring
panoramic view of the atlantic ocean and a orange and green cliff with a couple embracing in the middle
a fiance and fiancee standing at yehliu with the east china sea in the background
husband and wife walking on the yehliu rocks in taiwan
man in green suit and girl with bangs and curly short hair embracing with ocean and yehliu in the background
man in green suit kissing girl with bangs and curly short hair with ocean and yehliu in the background
girl with bangs and curly short hair kisses fiancee with smile at yehliu taiwan
girl with bangs and curly short hair kisses fiancee with smile at yehliu taiwan
japanese-taiwanese girl in purple floral dress and taiwanese guy in green suit gaze in each other's eyes with blue ocean